Car games

29 December 2008

I am, honestly, amazed by the ingenuity my family has exhibited over the past few days. For example: driving home from Sandy with Laurel and Kate, Kate-ey introduced me to a new game called "Days of the Week". It goes something like this:

To the tune of The Adam's Family

Days of the week! (*snap* *snap*)
Days of the week! (*snap* *snap*)
Days of the week, days of the week,
Days of the week! (*snap* *snap*)

There's Monday and there's Tuesday
Wednesday and there's Thursday
Friday and there's Saturday
And then come Su-unday.

Days of the week! (*snap* *snap*)
Days of the week! (*snap* *snap*)
Days of the week, days of the week,
Days of the week! (*snap* *snap*)

At this point it is someone else's turn to pick a topic:

Months of the year (*snap* *snap*)
Types of weather (*snap* *snap)
Co-on-tinents (*snap* *snap*)

Bones of the arm provides an interesting challenge, being rather short, States of the Union is difficult, but possible, capitals of Europe is more of a challenge, mainly because I only know half of them. My favorite, by far, is Olympic Events (*snap* *snap*), Olympic Events (*snap* *snap*), Olympic Events, Olympic Events, Olympic Events (*snap* *snap*): There's Skating and there's Down Hill, and the skeleton, etc...

Car rides are never dull with these kids.


mariah christine said...

our new addition to carride games is this: you say a word and somebody-anybody shouts out a song with that word in it. I say shouts because that's what actually happens, but you're not supposed to get points unless you sing it. if it's the song they thought of it's 2 pts, if not, still 1pt for the first person's song. The most recent winner then chooses the next word for people to find songs for. 'melt' --"Once there was a snowman...." it was riotous.

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