From the library of m. f. hales

06 September 2008

I have of late been looking for a few new good books. I was about to label “good” as the operative word here, but I believe the significant terms in this passage are “good”, “new” and “books”. I have recently had my fill of bad old movies, shocking fresh news, and ridiculous fugitive pranks, so I think a nice new good book would be just the ticket.

A while ago Cait passed on a warning “Always read stuff that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it.”

As in “I wouldn’t get caught dead reading…”

So, with all this in mind, imagine my joy when right in my very own inbox I found a message from, " has new recommendations for you based on items you purchased" and of course based on the predictions of the Crystal Ball. I read on with mounting anticipation:

Veronica, by Roger Duvoisin— Veronica, a hippopotamus who wants to stand out from the herd and be famous, travels to the big city where she indeed does stand out…

Saving Juliet, by Suzanne Selfors— Selfors injects an angst-ridden 17-year-old Manhattan actress into Shakespeare's star-crossed romance, yielding hilarious and often very clever results…

Shark Girl, by Kelly Bingham— Jane, 15, is smart, good-looking, and the best artist in her school. After a shark attack at a local beach, nothing is the same…

Useful Fools, by C.A. Schmidt—What makes a terrorist?

All I’ve got to say is better have nothing to do with my obit.


mal said...

so, sometimes this works, and sometimes it doesn't good luck leaving comments (-:

cait said...

i dunno mal...i think Veronica and Useful Fools sound pretty good.

and at least your list was a little more varied than mine! amazon recommended i buy the processes of legal research and rules of contract law. however, i do think their recommendation about criminal law would be intriguing.

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