08 August 2008
The door opens on Hannah and Becky lounging on my sofa, scooping out fingerfulls of nutella.
Hannah: Hi!
Becky: Write about Hanny and the nutella! uproarious giggling.
Hannah: Look Mally! Crams her whole hand in the jar of nutella.
Me: I'm gonna' call you Hannah-Banan-n'tella. Ella for short.
Becky: More giggling as Hannah licks off her whole hand.
Hannah: I think I have nutella up my nose.
Becky: I like that picture. But I think it's ugly.
Hannah: I have to go to the library.
Becky: Can I have some nutella?
Hannah: There's no more.
Pulls out another fistful.
What's everyone laughing at?
Becky: Snatches away the jar. Exit left into my bathroom.
from off stage Wow! that's really messy nutella.
Hannah: I'm a messy nutella.
Me: You're face is a messy nutella.
Hannah: I know.
Enter Becky scraping empty jar.
Becky: Let's go buy some more.
Hannah: I have to go to the library.
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